Friday, March 24, 2017

Great Arizona Sunset at AJO, AZ

another sunset at our camping area in AJO, AZ

Notice the black plastic water bottle! these are carried by the drug smugglers for water when they cross the desert. they are black so they dont reflect the sun when the border patrol is looking for them. we saw at least 10 of them along the road that runs along the border with Mexico

Mexican Border south of Organ Pipe Nat Monument
Notice that the tall fence stops and you just have rails that you can just step across. the Cartels control sections of the border, and each Cartel has an area and they dont cross each others territories or they would be killed by the other cartels. that is the reason for the holes in the tall fence in the next photos.

Part of the 18 ft high fence that has been built along the border. Notice the hole that had been cut in the fence by the drug cartels

another patched hole in the fence

glow in the clouds from the sun at Organ Pipe 

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